I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. My name is
Aimee and I'm a 29 year old American living in Paris. I moved here in May 2003 with my French husband, Julien. We have been married 4 years and are expecting our first little
bout de chou or as the French say little piece of cabbage baby in April 2007. I've been knitting for over a year now and have it has now become my obsession as many of us kntiters understand so well.
I've knit a couple sweaters in anticipation of new one. They are gender neutral as I don't know the sex yet but will be finding out this Friday! Can't wait! So, here's what my busy little finger have knit in the last month:

Chunky Baby Cardigan from
Knitting for Two by Erica Knight
Size: newborn
Yarn: Rowan Summer Tweed in shade 112
Needles: 4 & 4.5mm Clovers
Knitting time: 2 days
This was a great little sweater to start out with because it taught me sweater construction. And this is my first official sweater I've knit! I started Green Gable but got pregnant and it quickly didn't fit me anymore. And this little cardigan helped to get me over the fear of sewing sweater parts together. This was the reason why I wasn't tackling the ever present Phildar patterns that are in such easy access here in Paris. But that's changed now and you'll see later...:)

Pattern: Dumpling from
Rowan Babies .
Size: 6-12mos
Yarn: Rowan Ribbon Twist in shade 113
Needles: 10mm Clovers (adjusted from the 12mm called for in pattern)
Time: One week (two days really but I didn't work on it straight)
I really love Rowan yarns. They are easily accessible here in Paris and the price isn't too shocking to me. I learned to knit on European yarns and I know when I go home in November to visit family I will be shocked at the selection of American yarns I've been missing out on. Anyway, I used Ribbon Twist for Dumpling. The pattern called for Rowan Big Wool. But I had see this color and really loved it. And since I'd never use chunky yarn to knit something for myself I figured this would be a good excuse to use this fun yarn for our future baby. I loved how this turned out. The body is knit in one piece until you split for the arms. You use three needle bind off for the shoulder seams and the cowl neck. I adjusted the sleeves by adding two more stitches through out because it was a little small when I tried the sleeves on a friend's 3 month old. Here's my friend,
Sarah's son, Felix modeling Dumpling before I sewed on the toggle buttons. He's 10 months old but as tall as a one year old. The sweater is a little short on him but you'll get the idea of how cute this sweater is:
Currently on the needles I have a Phildar sweater that I'm making for a girlfriend who just had a little girl. It's from Phildar Trcotez Calin.

I'm knitting the cover sweater and have knit the scarf. It was a fun knit and I'm not sure how practical baby scarves are but where they live it's very cold so hopefully she'll use it for a while. You can check my progress on the Phildar Brassiere on
my blog and pick up a recipe for banana bread while you're at it!
Thanks to Alison! This is such a genius idea. I've already gotten some great new ideas on what to knit next. I look forward to reading about what all of you are working on. :)