Tuesday, October 31, 2006

 Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween Everybody!

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I had my first ultrasound today!!! very exciting!
The technician wouldn't tell me the sex of the baby (although she said it was visible) It is their standard policy to tell my doctor, who will then tell me at my next visit. I am looking forward to finding out so I can start knitting up a storm. I've made a few things already but I would like the "go ahead" to make a bunch of super-girly things or little-manly things. :-)


Blogger Ann said...

What a great Halloween picture!

2:18 PM  
Blogger Jofrog said...

That's crazy that they wouldn't tell you the sex! Our doctor told us that if we didn't tell him, he wouldn't know because it doesn't go anywhere on the chart, it's only verbal between the ultrastanographer and us! How funny that it can work so differently, I hope you get to find out soon!

2:33 PM  

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