A quick update on the gift sweater I was knitting for my friend's new baby ....
When I called last week to confirm the child's name, I learned that the boy -- who was born weighing just over eight pounds -- has been gaining a pound or more a week, and is now, at the grand old age of seven weeks, weighing in at over 17 pounds. Which means that the
red sweater I knit him wasn't going to fit.
O.k., I thought, no problem. He can have the stripey one I was going to keep for my baby. It's bigger, the colors are gender neutral, and Babies and Bears sweaters are a fast knit. He'll have it in more than enough time for fall. Four days later, it was done.
yarn: Nashua Handknits Wooly Stripes (Key West #WS03)
pattern: Babies and Bears sweater (from Cottage Creations)
I even had the perfect leather buttons tucked away into my button box:

Just before I mailed it off I decided to check the size one more time. Good decision.
O.k., fine. I'll keep BOTH sweaters for my baby. Which is fine, but leaves a baby boy in Iowa sorely lacking in handknits, a state of affairs that offends my knitterly soul. Luckily for my peace of mind, however, a solution was easily found ... all it took was a trip to my LYS and the purchase of some bulky weight yarn:
yarn: Ironstone Farms Harmony (MC = #11016/CC = #13060)
I'm pretty sure this one will fit him until December at least.

Labels: Babies and Bears sweater