Monday, December 11, 2006

 Baby's First Tattoo!

Here is Baby's First Tattoo from Stitch 'n Bitch Nation by Deb Stoller. Ok, it's only 99% finished, I haven't added the snaps yet. It's going to take me awhile to get them though, so I figured I'd go ahead and post! Yarn is Rowan Cashsoft, which was very nice to knit with! I wasn't so crazy about the pattern, as I think it could be done with less seaming. I also made some very wacky mistakes - the neckline is more of a "v" and I made some decreases right at the neckband that look....wack. I am thinking of ripping out...but otherwise I like how it turned out and blame any mistakes on a good ol' case of "Placenta Brain"!


Blogger Suzanne said...

Nah, it looks great!!!

8:52 PM  
Blogger totalkyknitwit2007 said...

No don't rip it! It's cute! I love the colors you chose, I started one for my cousin's baby but I HAD to rip it out because it wouldn't fit her until she was two! It was HUGE!

10:05 PM  
Blogger Dove Knits said...

It's so cute! I just got thisbook and was eyeing this pattern, so I'm really happy to see how it turns out! It looks great.

12:37 AM  

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